Workshop #3: Managing Uncertainty In Humanities Research Datasets, 12 Feb. 2020

21st January 2020
Michelle Doran

A workshop by the CHIST-ERA funded PROVIDEDH Project Partners — University of Salamanca and Trinity College Dublin Centre for Digital Humanities

Date: Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Time: 13:00-16:00

On Wednesday, 12 Feb 2020 the consortium members of the interdisciplinary PROgressive VIsual Decision-Making in Digital Humanities (PROVIDEDH) project will host a workshop on the subject of ‘Managing Uncertainty in Humanities Research Datasets’ to be held at the Galbraith Seminar Room 2.31, Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin.

The central challenge of uncertainty representation has increasingly come to the fore in digital humanities research.  The new practices of knowledge production characterised and analysed by digital humanities imply uncertainty by their very nature, they are intended to alter our understanding and they almost always occur at the boundaries between different disciplines. This workshop presents the work of the ongoing work of the project and builds on the the findings of the “Complexity and Uncertainty in Digital Humanities Projects: A Co-Design Approach Around Data Visualisation Workshop” held at the DH2019 Conference in Utrecht in July 2019 and the “Identifying Uncertainty in Humanities Research Datasets Workshop” held at Maynooth University in March 2019.

This workshop will introduce participants to the sources of uncertainty that may emerge during the course of a digital humanities project, together with visual approaches to uncertainty display.  Participants will also have the opportunity to annotate pieces of text in the project’s nascent research environment for analysing and visualising uncertainty in humanities data.

Pleases email expressions of interest to attend the workshop to by 7 Feb 2020 or you can register for the workshop here.

The half-day workshop will take place in the afternoon, and lunch will be provided. This workshop forms part of the Trinity Centre for Digital Humanities Digital Scholarship and Skills Workshop Series and registration is available here.

TAGS: Dissemination Project Events Workshops
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