Identifying Uncertainties in Historical Recipes #4 Participatory Citizen Workshop II, 28 Feb. 2020

20th February 2020
Michelle Doran

A workshop by the CHIST-ERA funded PROVIDEDH Project Partners — Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Austrian Academy of Sciences and University of Salamanca 

Date: Friday, 28 February 2020

Time: 16:00-18:30

On Friday, 28 Feb 2020 the 4th interaction on the subject of ‘Identifying Uncertainties in Historical Recipes’ will be held in Salzburg, Austria. The workshop is implemented in the context of the interdisciplinary PROVIDEDH project (PROgressive VIsual Decision-Making in Digital Humanities), co-organised by the project partners from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Austrian Academy of Sciences, together with members of the Centre for Gastrosophy, History Department, University of Salzburg

This next interaction together with interested citizens and participants draws on participatory research and co-creation methods to target further together with researchers and interested citizens uncertainties contained in a collection of historical, German recipes, and evaluate and feed back to the PROVIDEDH collaborative annotation platform. The PROVIDEDH team is considering recipes as references to culture, health and sustainable living as complex, intervened topics, which are asking for a systemic, more inclusive approach which can draw benefits in working with and for society.

The workshop builds on the co-design process and findings of the 1st interaction, 2nd interaction and 3rd interaction with our cooperation partner, Marlene Ernst, and draws on methods and materials tested  at the European Researchers Night (ERN2019), Vienna, Austria.

In this fourth interaction we deepen the understanding of identifying sources of uncertainties in a selected set of historical recipes against the background of specific categories of the PROVIDEDH taxonomy of uncertainties. Further, we reflect participants’ approaches to annotating the recipes in the project’s research environment for annotating uncertainties in humanities data. Finally, we reflect on the users’ possibilities for analysing and visualising uncertainties in analog and digital approaches.

Previous interactions on which current endeavours and collaborations are based: “Complexity and Uncertainty in Digital Humanities Projects: A Co-Design Approach Around Data Visualisation Workshop” held at the DH2019 Conference in Utrecht in July 2019 and the “Participatory workshop towards a taxonomy of uncertainty” held at the TEEM 2019 conference, León, Spain.

Target group: citizens / non-experts

Age: 15+

Language: DE + EN

Please email expressions of interest to attend the workshop to by 25 Feb 2020.


TAGS: Dissemination Interactions Project Events
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