
The aim of the PROVIDEDH project is to  to give Digital Humanities (DH) scholars a space to explore and assess the completeness and evolution of digital research objects, the degree of uncertainty that the models applied to the data incorporate, and to share their perspectives and insights with other stakeholders of society. In particular, the specific objectives of the PROVIDEDH project are:

Objective 1. To understand all the sources of uncertainty that can affect the DH practice.

Objective 2. To develop a set of metrics that convey the degree of uncertainty that research objects, data sets, and collections introduce as well as the different computational models applied to them.

Objective 3. To propose a framework that makes use of the uncertainty metrics, so any given representation of the data can be assessed according to its degree of uncertainty.

Objective 4. To propose a Progressive Visual Analytics solution that ensures that users can follow the behaviour and degree of uncertainty of the underlying dataset as it evolves, i.e., able to trace changes in data and its inherent uncertainty as well as in the way it is perceived.

Objective 5. To develop a web-based multimodal collaborative platform for the progressive visual analysis of different DH collections, both for scholars and citizen humanists.

Objective 6. To trigger the formation of a “community of practice” that humanists can build on to reinforce each other’s efforts to achieve metrics that are practical and of high quality.

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